Spring Cleaning

After a fraught day at work last year, I opted to walk the whole way home to clear my head. Spring had resurfaced and the afternoon was as clear as a bell. Within minutes I felt in a better place, both physically and mentally. Good old Spring had come up trumps again!

Spring’s Bounty

The day’s a blissful bluebell hue
Faint echoes of wind chime
Each turn reveals a floral view
The charms of swiss Springtime!
A wholesome scent of chimney vent
Peppers the air around me
The tone is one of good intent
New nods of life dumbfound me
It feels like we’re the chosen few
blessed by bright bloom sublime
The day’s a blissful bluebell hue
Faint echoes of wind chime

Photo : https://www.newlyswissed.com/blooming-spring-impressions-from-ticino/amp/

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